Hello daily viewers, those of you that have continued to check up on the blog weekly, thank you. You have more patience than I do and I am forever grateful for that. For my new viewers, please, try and have some faith in me. I WILL be on more. Ive found a place I love to write in and a city that gets the juices flowing. There are a lot of interesting things happening in my life and some great opportunities coming up in the future. I would love to be able to share these adventures with all of you, maybe it will even inspire you to take some risks of your own. I am planning on being completely real and honest with this site. I will write things as they come to be and I will update new experiences as soon as they happen, I just won't use names ;). If your a high school student that can't wait to come to uni or a college student that never got to leave home my hope is that you can live vicariously through me. Now that that's out of the way lets get on with the first post of 2017: A day in my life. A series you will see constantly on this page. WARNING: DO NOT be fooled by the glitz and the glam of the city. We are just as broke, stressed and bored as most college students. We just dress better and have pretty buildings. Wait, that sounded shallow. But for the sake of transparency I'm going to leave it in here. Hopefully throughout this shadowing you can get to know me a little bit better, understand my style of humor and maybe even be persuaded to continue coming back... Just maybe. This was one of my more boring days of school, there were no events for me to manage, only one hour long class that I had to attend and I don't start work at my new job for another week. However, the free time did lend to some creativity. Writing this blog post for example is a direct reaction to my last completely free weekday for the month.
10:50- Class time. My class starts at 11AM and I am ALWAYS late without fail. I didn't even do my makeup and breakfast was scant and barely filling. Yet and still I was still exactly 10 minutes late to my GEOG 112K lecture much to my overaly strict professors chagrin. To make matters worse the lecture is always extremly boring (he's a nice guy though!) and he gives "POP" quizzes on the lectures every Thursday. I have yet to achieve above a C+ on any of these particular quizzes. 12:15- Class lets out. Thank the gods class is over! Now I had to pee. (TMI... I don't care) Problem was, I'd never used the bathroom in the ultra extravagant glass science complex. The guard directed me around a corner hallway I had never noticed and voila there the bathrooms were and also a beautiful courtyard i'm certain no one knows of. Maybe ill study there next time. 12:30 ....Walking? A quick walk past the sports arena and through library plaza (which was more packed than usual, i wonder what was going on?) led me to the bus stop which left without me. *Tears*. I caught the next one though! So score for me! The buses are actually quite funny! They take forever to drive off the curb when you have an important class to catch and then leave with only 5 people in them when it's raining and your drenched. Same girl....same. Also, look at my fancy tea! I got said fancy tea from this super hip ultra delicious Ramen shop down in Ponce City Market! If you live in the Atlanta area you HAVE to eat here. Ill link a map view. 12:40- Grabbing food and being confused. I made a quick and very incognito dash into the dining hall to grab a muffin and a banana and BAM! I felt like i had just walked into The Dave Dameshek Football Program. Holy smokes it was loud but also very interesting. Hmm, now that i think of it I have yet to look at any of the basketball programs they were handing out. Maybe I should up my school sports spirit. GSU just isn't the sportiest place, what can I say LOL. I didn't come here for that! I came here for my edumacation. That, and the awesome job opportunities at state. But I digress, back to our regularly scheduled programing. 1:00-3:30- Total Bullshit and Youtube (AKA Life) I'm not sure what I was doing to take up this much time, I didn't even go to sleep. I simply at a muffin and a banana and watched CoffeeBreakWithDani on Youtube. OH! Now I remember, I did my makeup! Yea, I know thats a long time for makeup. But the art and act of doing makeup is a very soothing creative process even when your doing something as simple and natural as I did today. Besides, was feeling kinda crumby and strange and I'm breaking out- all due to my monthly, so the makeup was a good pick me up. 3:40- Starbucks Man it feels good to be back here! A new and beautiful starbucks just opened up on campus right across from the arts and science center. Now, im usually very skeptical of starbucks seeing as the whole concept of the company is built on highway robbery and mediocre coffee. Not to mention, I live in a city FULL of beautiful quaint coffee shops and interesting turkish coffe, What reason do I have for a Starbucks. Thats what I though anyway until my best friend Jada convinced me to try out the "Pink Drink." Oh man, that stuff is good! (If you've been living under a rock and don't know what the Starbucks pink drink is I've inserted a picture of mine and linked it to a recipe.) The best part about this particular Starbucks is that they offer a student discount to ALL GSU students! It's not a small discount either its an entire 20% off discount which can mean the difference between a grande and a venti for a young broke girl like me. 4:00- GUYS GUYS! As I write this the cutest guy just asked if he could sit with me! He has beautifuly exotic middle eastern looks! I can't! I just can't! But *sigh* I will not do anything to pursue this seemigly mutual attraction. Though he is a student, I can tell he's minimum 25 and this 18 year old has not business coercing a grown man into my clutched. It just wouldn't be good for my health. 4:10- I trust hot guy with my stuff I know, I know. This was really stupid and irresponsible but this Starbucks is packed and I was hungry and I could in no way risk someone else stealing my stellar seat.
6:30- Time to hit the gym. And alas, though my time at starbucks was absolutely delighting it's time for me to go home, Iv'e promised my friend we could go to the gym @7 before I leave Uni for the weekend. I don't really feel like going but Iv'e got 1 month to get in my best physical shape for spring break in Miami!!! I didn't think I would enjoy writing and working here as much as I did but the noise was surprisingly easy to block out. I think I've found my new place. Because lets be honest, i'll probably be back first thing monday morning. Possibly even Sunday if I feel like getting some very necessary work done for my online class. 7PM- Gym Time. SO.... I went to the gym but I forgot to take a picture! Silly me! sorry guys! But what I can tell you is that those workouts that Blogalaties does on Youtube are something SERIOUS! Okay! Like I was working muscles I never knew I had. Im almost there to my Miami body goal! woot woot! You guys should check out her youtube page and other online workouts! You do NOT need a trainer to get in shape! 9:30- Home and Sleep.
My mother came and saved me from the clutches of college (jk I love it there). But, I do really enjoy going home for the weekend whenever I get the time which is usually every few months. I miss my dog a crraazzyy amount while I'm gone so it feels good to be with my little baby again! That's him down below! Ah reunited and it feels so good! Well guys, this is where my daily story ends. I'm so thankful to anyone that has made it this far! NEW, exciting, opinionated and hopefully informational or helpful content to come! I hope you have a great rest of your week and that your feeling good! If you live in GA: GO FALCONS! Even though we lost I'm proud of how far we came! (what did you guys do for the super bowl?). Goodnight Everyone! xo College tours can be very exciting but the collegete atmosphere and crowd of peole you don't know can be very intimidating as well. However its important that you don't waste any opportunities on your tour due to fear and anxiety. These tips can help remind you to put away the insecurities and let your confidence shine through!
Kayla NicholsonHey guys, tell me what you think? Categories
April 2017