Student life blogger preparing to take on the world. This is my journey.
Kayla xx
I don't have much to say in this piece about myself. I am going to try my absolute hardest to keep this blog updated 3-5 times a week in-between classes, exams, internships and applications. I have a few obsessions that you will most likely catch on to soon such as Starbucks, makeup and Pintrest. In the last four years I have had three blogs, none of which I took seriously, but I was getting tired of writing solely for myself. So this blog about sharing my ideas, opinions and general aha moments with all of you! I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!
Why write this blog?
I am writing this blog as not just a way to communicate with the world, maybe helping a few people along the way but a way to communicate with myself. To take all the notes I leave on my phone and expand them to something better, you! I hope you guys can get something out of this blog You don't have to agree with my opinions, you just have to respect them. And if you're still reading this then lets assume you do.
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